Changes to the Focus Seascape and Landscape Photography Incorporated (FOCUS) Constitution.

Changes to the Focus Seascape and Landscape Photography Incorporated (FOCUS) Constitution.

One of the requirements of being an incorporated body is to have a constitution.

The constitution specifies such things as its structure, corporate governance and how the business of the organisation is to be conducted.  The existing FOCUS constitution can be found on our website.

We have been operating in line with this document for the past 12 months or so and a number of changes to our operations have occurred during this time including the introduction of a website which needs to be reflected in the document.

The committee has re visited the constitution and a number of changes to this document are recommended for the consideration and vote by the membership.

Proposal 1

Increase the annual membership subscription from $1 to $5

Existing Constitution

7. Fees and subscriptions

(1) A member of the association must, on admission to membership, pay to the association a fee of $1 or, if some other amount is determined by the committee, that other amount.

(2) In addition to any amount payable by the member under subclause (1), a member of the association must pay to the association an annual membership fee of $1 or, if some other amount is determined by the committee, that other amount:

Proposed amendment

7. Fees and subscriptions

(1) A member of the association must, on admission to membership, pay to the association a fee of $1 or, if some other amount is determined by the committee, that other amount.

(2) In addition to any amount payable by the member under subclause (1), a member of the association must pay to the association an annual membership fee of $5 or, if some other amount is determined by the committee, that other amount:

Reasons to support the change

The $1 subscription does not adequately reflect the value that is received by being a member

Reasons to reject the change

The subscription is a nominal amount which is designed purely to identify official membership and allow for the creation of a member’s register as required by legislation.  Members can serve and vote for the committee and also changes in the Constitution.

Proposal 2

Change to the Committee structure

Existing Constitution

13. Composition and membership of committee

(1) The committee is to consist of:

(a) the office-bearers of the association, and

(b) at least 2 ordinary committee members, each of whom is to be elected at the annual general meeting of the association under clause 14.

(2) The total number of committee members is to be 10.

(3) The office-bearers of the association are as follows:

(a) the executive chairman,

(b) the chairman,

(c) the treasurer,

(d) the secretary.

(e) the publicity officer

(f) the events coordinator

(g) the training and development coordinator

(f) the creative director

(g) an ordinary committee member

(h) an ordinary committee member

Proposed amendment

13. Composition and membership of committee

(1) The committee is to consist of:

(a) the office-bearers of the association, and

(b) at least 2 ordinary committee members, each of whom is to be elected at the annual general meeting of the association under clause 14.

(2) The total number of committee members is to be 11.

(3) The office-bearers of the association are as follows:

(a) the executive chairman,

(b) the chairman,

(c) the treasurer,

(d) the secretary.

(e) the trip coordinator

(f) the events coordinator

(g) the training and development coordinator

(h) the webmaster

(i) the web content manager

(j) an ordinary committee member

(k) an ordinary committee member

Reasons to support the change

The introduction of the website has necessitated the creation of positions which provide maintenance and support for this important aspect of Focus operations which has been introduced after the original constitution was established.  Other position changes reflect changes in operations that have occurred since the committee commenced operations

Reason to reject the change

Amendments to the committee structure are supported as the organisation has changed its operations during the first 12 months of operation.

Proposal 3

Remove the time restrictions that a member can serve on the committee

Existing Constitution

(5) Each member of the committee is, subject to this constitution, to hold office until the conclusion of the annual general meeting following the date of the member’s election, but is eligible for re-election subject to 13(6)

(6) Each member of the committee can only be elected to the same office for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms.

(7) At the conclusion of the second consecutive term of office, the officer must resign and the position filled via the normal election process.

(8) To preserve continuity and knowledge of the association , at the conclusion of the first 2 years of office, if all the committee members (other than the executive chairman) have served for 2 continuous years in the same position then half of the positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and be filled by election.  The remaining committee members will continue to serve in their positions for a further 12 month period after which time their positions will be declared vacant and elections held at the next AGM.

(9) If no alternate nominations are received for the position being vacated then the incumbent may stand for another term.

(10) Office bearers can serve more than two consecutive terms if serving in a different office bearer position to the previous 2 terms.

Proposed Amendment

(5) Each member of the committee is, subject to this constitution, to hold office until the conclusion of the annual general meeting following the date of the member’s election

Delete (6), (7) (8), (9) (10)

Reasons to support the change

The existing provisions are too restrictive. Committee members should be allowed to serve unrestricted terms

Reasons to reject the change

The original provisions were designed to ensure a regular turnover of persons serving on the committee so that fresh ideas and vigour were injected on a regular basis.

Proposal 4

Introduce a secret ballot for decision making

Existing Constitution

30. Making of decisions

(1) A question arising at a general meeting of the association is to be determined by either:

(a) a show of hands, or

(b) if on the motion of the chairperson or if 5 or more members present at the meeting decide that the question should be determined by a written ballot—a written ballot.

(2) If the question is to be determined by a show of hands, a declaration by the chairperson that a resolution has, on a show of hands, been carried or carried unanimously or carried by a particular majority or lost, or an entry to that effect in the minute book of the association, is evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against that resolution.

(3) If the question is to be determined by a written ballot, the ballot is to be conducted in accordance with the directions of the chairperson.

Proposed change

(1) A question arising at a general meeting of the association is to be determined by either:

(a) a show of hands, or

(b) if on the motion of the chairperson or if 5 or more members present at the meeting decide that the question should be determined by a written ballot—a written ballot.

(c) a secret ballot

(2) If the question is to be determined by a show of hands or secret ballot, a declaration by the chairperson that a resolution has, on a show of hands or secret ballot, been carried or carried unanimously or carried by a particular majority or lost, or an entry to that effect in the minute book of the association, is evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against that resolution.

Reasons to support the change

The existing provisions only allowed for a show of hands to decide issues at meetings.  This method for some is intimidating and the option of voting via a secret ballot is seen to address this concern.

Reasons to reject the change

The change is sensible and is supported

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