Due to the restrictions now in place to limit public gatherings, the FOCUS Committee has decided to suspend all organised Focus shoots with immediate effect and until further notice.
This is our contribution to the self-distancing disciplines that the authorities are now insisting we all adopt, so we trust that Focus Members will understand and comply.
We also discourage Focus Members from organising their own gatherings and ask that you do not post notices of informal shoots in the Focus Facebook group. Posts ignoring this request are likely to be removed.
These are extraordinary measures for extraordinary times and, like everyone, we hope to remove these restrictions as soon as possible.
By all means keep posting your images in the Focus Facebook group and start conversations about our shared passion for landscape and seascape photography, to help keep the Focus community spirit alive and well.
If you have any questions you can message Focus directly via
Take care everyone.
The Focus Committee
24 March 2020

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