Focus family camping weekend : 9th -11th September at Newnes camping area in the Wollemi National Park with Peter Bliss


This weekend is an opportunity to meet Focus member’s families, enjoy camping in an amazing location, take a bushwalk or two, take a photo or three or just sit around the campfire and swap stories. AND IT’S FREE

The Newnes camping area is set in a beautiful amphitheatre, surrounded by majestic cliffs and is part of the Wollemi National Park.

Wollemi National Park

Newnes Campground location

Camping is FREE and facilities are basic, with pit toilets.

I understand you can have a shower at the hotel for a small cost.

You must bring your own WATER and FIREWOOD as collecting firewood in the National Park is prohibited. Please leave your pets at home.

There is pretty much no mobile phone access in the valley.

If you don’t like to camp, the Newnes Hotel does have some cabins 

Activities include: 

  • Photography….of course
  • Bushwalking
  • For those interested in a long walk, you can join us on a walk to the Glow Worm Tunnel on the Saturday. This is a 7.5 km walk, following the Old Coach Road and Wolgan Valley Railway. It includes spectacular scenery, glow worm tunnel walk (with torch) and a beautiful fern glen.
  • Other walks in the area
  • A visit to the ruins of the old shale oil mine workings.
  • Explore the creeks and bushland around the camp.
  • Have a game of cricket.
  • Astrophotography
  • Relaxing round the campfire.
  • Visit the Newnes Hotel (unfortunately, they do not have a licence and only have a small kiosk selling very basic supplies, like icecreams)

Newnes hotel Newnes astro

More information about Newnes

 Tunnel Walk information

Newnes 5

Remember you will need to bring everything with you. 

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