Entries have now CLOSED for the Focus Awards 2015 You have been all waiting all year for this moment. Enter images into one of 7 categories and there’s an opportunity […]

Entries have now CLOSED for the Focus Awards 2015 You have been all waiting all year for this moment. Enter images into one of 7 categories and there’s an opportunity […]
Our final judge for the Focus Awards 2015 is a photographer who has won awards and is widely published both here and abroad. Dylan Toh has been an active contributor […]
Our second judge is a Grand Master and award winning photographer Jacqui Dean. Jacqui’s fine art flower series is just beautiful in its study of forms and textures. Check out […]
Our first judge for this year’s awards, needs little introduction. Presenting our Head Judge Peter Eastway. Below his biography. Peter Eastway G.M. PHOTOG., HON. FAIPP, HON FNZIPP, MNZIPP, FAIPP – […]
Spectrum Camera House Brookvale sponsored the second of the Focus bi-monthly competitions (the July competition). A big thanks to Aris and his team for providing the $500 gift voucher. Again, […]
There are many mechanisms and ways to track your improvement in your photography. Many of us post our images, ask for critique, or engage in portfolio reviews. One other way […]
DIFFICULTY RATING: EASY/MODERATE (Some steep areas) approx 1km to walk Description: The Explosives Magazine is located in Bantry Bay in Garigal National Park. It occupies the western shore of […]
Processing a Milky Way landscape composition for the first time can be challenging, but luckily for Focus, we have a young expert who has graciously provided a step by step […]
AIPP Grand Master of Photography Peter Eastway has released 50 free photo tips on his Better Photography website. The photo tips – called a Photo Atelier – are delivered once […]
FOCUS has always been about creating a strong community of photographers who strive to achieve their best, who in turn support others on their own unique photographic journey. This vision […]