Its always interesting to see how other photographers process their images. Grant Galbraith has kindly documented his workflow for his image captured at Cape Solander, which includes compositing 2 images […]

Its always interesting to see how other photographers process their images. Grant Galbraith has kindly documented his workflow for his image captured at Cape Solander, which includes compositing 2 images […]
Tim Wrate is a landscape photographer based in Sydney specialising in panoramic film photography with a Fuji GX617 medium format rangefinder camera. He is also an excellent writer, and wrote a […]
There has been some ill informed comment lately about certain aspects of the Focus Awards Photography competition so I thought I would fill you in on how it is run […]
The Focus Committee invited Instagram guru Tony Irving to do a guest post on how he uses Instagram. Here is what he had to say. Thanks so much for writing […]