Panoramic Stitching This panorama was shot on my Fuji X-E2 with a new 10-24mm lens and a new untested pano head. Therefore the basics like entrance pupil location weren’t sorted. I guesstimated and got […]

Panoramic Stitching This panorama was shot on my Fuji X-E2 with a new 10-24mm lens and a new untested pano head. Therefore the basics like entrance pupil location weren’t sorted. I guesstimated and got […]
The following Star Trail article was written by the talented photographer – Rodney Campbell. He talks about post processing star trail source images in Lightroom, stacking these as layers in […]
Its always interesting to see how other photographers process their images. Grant Galbraith has kindly documented his workflow for his image captured at Cape Solander, which includes compositing 2 images […]
Tim Wrate is a landscape photographer based in Sydney specialising in panoramic film photography with a Fuji GX617 medium format rangefinder camera. He is also an excellent writer, and wrote a […]
Focus Sponsor Sony Australia lent the Focus group the only pre-production model of the Sony Zeiss 16-35mm f/4 FE in Australia. Images with this lens were captured by John Armytage using […]
There has been some ill informed comment lately about certain aspects of the Focus Awards Photography competition so I thought I would fill you in on how it is run […]
The Focus Committee invited Instagram guru Tony Irving to do a guest post on how he uses Instagram. Here is what he had to say. Thanks so much for writing […]
Dear members, It is with regret the Focus Committee hereby announces that Bruce Hood, Chairman, has resigned from the Focus Committee effectively immediately. Bruce has been instrumental in steering the group […]
Focus Seascape and Landscape Photography Inc Safety Policy Preliminary This Safety Policy is designed to promote the safety of all members of the Focus Seascape and Landscape Photography Inc Group […]
Hi everyone… Some exciting news. Our Vision is to Grow Landscape Photography across Australia and encourage people to learn from each other… As part of that Vision the committee is […]